Photography stile live

Photography stile live
Gatos Tot cortesia

viernes, 7 de octubre de 2011

Bogota, described by images

No need to read to understand how others see usby our and others' acts

Photography and Social communication

Arguably, images have always played, and will always play, an important role in communication. Both as a species, and individually, humans learned to create lasting communications first through images, then through words. Compare the estimated age of the oldest known cave paintings with that of what is considered to be the oldest known alphabet in the world.

Paul Martin Lester, Ph.D., of California State University, in the paper "Syntactic Theory of Visual Communication," reminds us, “Before children learn to read and write, they do not know the difference between a line drawing and a letter. When an adult writes an 'A,' it is simply another drawing.” Children have to learn to associate these images with sounds, a task that is often aided by pairing these meaningless images with others that have meaning, as in the example, “A is for apple.”

The subordination of image to text

“Early on, however, we are taught to make distinctions between words and pictures and to not think of them in the same way.” Lester argues that pictures, because of the way children are taught to focus on their mastery of the written word, quickly take on a subordinate role to text. “We are taught that although we can gain meaning from each, reading words is valued more than reading pictures. We are taught that pictures play a separate and subservient role to the words.”

Despite the old saying that “a picture is worth a thousand words,” until recently, visual social communication (communication intended for public consumption rather than undertaken in private), with the exception on television, has been largely conducted through the medium of text. The majority of books contain more words than pictures, and the Internet from its inception was essentially a text-based medium due to the smaller file sizes required to communicate using words rather than images.

The rise of the photograph

With the advent of digital photography, which has made image transfer and storage much simpler, and that of faster computers and broadband connections, the photograph has enjoyed a boom in popularity as a social communication medium. Smartphones equipped with high-resolution digital cameras and the facility to upload photos directly to social networking websites have made it easy to share images almost as easily as text-based messages.

This has led some to speculate on the growing importance of images, and particularly photographs. "Of course, the picture is more important. It's the picture that addresses us directly, with its emotions, its meaningfulness. The word works via intellect. And there are so many events where we only remember the picture and not the word,” says Herlinde Koelbl, news photographer.

The continued importance of text

However emotive or immediate the message communicated by the image, though, it is still our use of text that creates the context and conversation surrounding the photograph, a point Koelbl nods at with the comment that “nevertheless many of my works wouldn't be conceivable without text.”

More often than not, the most effective photographs are the ones that spark text-based communication between users. Captions may be required to explain the intended message.

Perhaps more important, without text-based tags and keywords, the images may feed into the never-ending stream of updates to the social communication “river” and sink without a trace. Just as a search engine crawler or “bot” would be unable to read or “spider” a website whose navigation consisted of images with no explanatory text tags, or better yet a text-based link, so untagged images are unlikely to resurface since there is to date no way to input an image into a search engine and return visually similar images. Thus, although the photograph is a vital and effective means of social communication, it may be somewhat overstating the point to claim that it has become as important as text. In one sense, imagery has always been as important, if not more so, yet on the other hand, text remains the glue that holds other forms of communication together.

How To Tag Graffiti

See the form how you can do a graffiti

jueves, 6 de octubre de 2011

Manuel H, and its photographic record in Bogota

In Bogotá we find a great photographer, whose camera Similarly, achievement immortalize the most important and decisive moments for the development of life and society in Bogotá. This is Manuel H, Bogotano photographer who register with the box camera in the Avianca crash Tablazo in the year 1945, besides this, it was who took the first record of the bullfights, he was a big fan of this.

Was instrumental in the events of April 9, 1948, the registration of the death of Gaitán, the presence of the body in the clinic, the looting that occurred in the city, and Bogota disorder which faced the death the leader.
Photographic legacy now has in force, and are great collections to know and observe what life was like back then in Bogota, as they could find and define Bogotana society, how they lived, what their activities etc, and is thus how we can make that register analysis so immense that it is part of this great photographer.

The photographs are part of a historical record with events marked for Colombian society, as we have mentioned throughout the publications on this blog is to analyze the importance that photography has, to give veracity to the events of the time , analyze, and best of all, give credit and

interest to the author of such wonderful photos, they capture the moment make a click, indicating the disposition and love for what you do.

Photographs of Manuel H, are so important to the context of Bogota, which have a space in the museum Manuel H where you can find all the way through the different events, so as I mentioned, what you do with photography is to a composition of stories from the images so that those reading these graphs look forward to understand the importance of knowing how to use a camera and take a photo at the right time, to serve as support and educational history to analyze and understand the social change and always serve as a context for the composition of the story.

Photograph graffiti and memory strategy and critical

That mix photography and graffiti?, Due to social misunderstandings that have to scratch about a wall, because even thought it has to do with the lack of culture, social maladjustment, which begin to create myths and denials about those guys that make the walls and the city with its colorful mix a different space in the city, where they create without the citizens will realize a space of inclusion as well be spoken well or ill of the painted wall, generates a name space that beam the wall, trying to understand and comprehend what was not captured, and generate discussions about the work they do.

Analyzing and observing that graffiti has been identified and named in such a society by its critical content, gaudy or grotesque for its graphic content, photography becomes the best ally to disarm graffiti and understand what kind of criticism are those are indicated in these scratches, as with the photo, the colors are not lost or the sense and why the graffiti was in a given space.

In the picture we can teach about something when that moment is now non-existent, with photography of the past can bring a thought to this, is a game between yesterday and today, while is the way that establishes the graffiti to tell something.
In this way, photography is a tab key to help understand what messages are being captured in the city and part of that record (photo), we will understand that graffiti is not only to scratch, damaging a wall, or as politicians call it the city beautification, but they are doing the drawing and color the best strategy to criticize political and social phenomena that affect the common people but who are not able to express as if I were to do this young.The fact that we see a graphon a wall and touched the eight days to be deleted and replaced by another graph but this time round gray, indicating that they are serving space for circulation of ideas and criticism, and we can record the picture and an explanation of the change d color, texture and change of signature (who did the graffiti) and if it (firm) that we want to present
now, and if you have to do with the graffiti that I delete.

Graffiti, underground art

1. autoria MADC
2. autoria MADC

Since ancient times, graffiti or scratching the walls with the tools that nature gave our ancestors became the way to leave a precedent of what was done at that time, either in terms of hunting, life family or society.

So in this way followed the trend of leaving reflected the different events occurring in society in countries such as Greece, Egypt, Rome, among others, where the walls were the cornerstone for today is humanity who wonder, admire and understand what constitutes the world and the innovations and creations at that time people had to spread its message, and had been political, cultural, philosophical and so on.

Over time, and incorporating different technologies accompanied by social events in society that are the backdrop to give life to graffiti, did this new form of art and broadcast messages, either cultural, political or critical to what is happening in society.
It's called graffiti (taken from the Italian plural word graffiti, graffire) or painted in various forms of inscription or painting, usually on furniture.

The Royal Academy of the Spanish language referred to as "graphite" a particular painting and its corresponding plural is "graffiti." Graffiti is also called the inscriptions on the walls have fallen since the days of the Roman Empire.
Is a term borrowed from Italian, graffiti, plural of graffito, meaning 'mark or inscription made by scraping or scratching a wall' and so also called the archaeological and epigraphic inscriptions have been spontaneous in the walls from Roman times. Raffaele Archaeologist Garrucci media reported the term of international scholars in the mid XIX.

One is the most recognized graffiti in Bogotá is Tot, is the man behind the dozens of cats painted on walls Bogota, and has already entered some Colombian collections.
Giovanni Sanchez is called and can not hide his catlike eyes, oval eyes and torn, perhaps, he says, because they live with their pets: Violet, Lola, Matt and Luca, who are also in the 30 works on display at this time .
Ironlak is also is a community or family, that the city "ruled" as they call it, where are the graphs have and express their social criticism.

They have a large stake in a space that provides the city of Bogotá, which is called Hip-Hop to the park, where according to his thoughts scratch canvas, walls, fences, walls, leaving their messages about the songs you hear at the concert and his thoughts are and do what part of Colombian society.
So if you're an expert on scratching, mixing colors and have an excellent technique for the use of aerosols, Get Involved and make a crew of striped walls Bogota.